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Disclaimer: The use of the term 'Jumping Pillow' across this site refers to a generic product type and in no way refers to a company or specific product. The owner of Playsafe Products Pty. Ltd. Is also the owner of the domain name jumpingpillows.com and the company Jumping Pillows LLC. This is an International site targeted toward the International community and not specifically Australia.

The Kangaroo Jumper - Playground Excellence!

The Jumping Pillow was re-designed in 2013 to become the vastly Improved 'Kangaroo Jumper' Winner of the 2023 'Playground Safety Product Made in Australia' award. 'Don't be fooled! There are major safety differences in the commercial jumping products available in Australia.The Kangaroo Jumper is the 'SAFEST JUMPING PRODUCT IN THE WORLD - PERIOD! and it's Australian Made!

playground jumperWe are PlaySafe Products Australia Pty. Ltd. and we redesigned the Jumping Pillow in 2013 to better suit the outdoor playground market. Upgrades included a much more UV resistant material to enhance life expectancy, the inclusion of a Sand Depth Indicator to allow ground staff to easily monitor sand depth, A far better engineered installation method to keep the jumper low-level and a complete upgrade of screen-printed signage that proved to be more conducive to Insurance Company requirements.

Since then, many more features have been added as have competitors entering the market. Most have failed and closed up and some remain. The one constant is that they all try and emulate the Kangaroo Jumper. Another major product safety breakthrough for the 'Kangaroo Jumper' is our new lifelong Antifungal and Anti Microbioal canvas treatment now a standard addition in all Kangaroo Jumper manufacturing. Another 'WORLD FIRST' for the Kangaroo Jumper! Our unique installation methods produce a lower level jumper which has proven to be a major safety feature.

Iplayground jumperndustries such as Caravan Parks, Campgrounds, Farm Tourism, Indoor Play Centres, Schools and Resorts have all reaped major rewards over the years by introducing the Kangaroo Jumper into their commercial playgrounds. The jumper is now a standard feature in playgrounds when astute decision makers are at the helm!

The evolution and development of the Indoor Joey Jumper was pioneered by Gary Wakerley in 2006. The Indoor jumper has many different project aspects when compared to the Outdoor version yet, the action of the Indoor model is the same and the impact on Indoor Play businesses who have embraced it, has been dynamic. Others say that they have an Indoor version however, no other product even comes close to our Indoor Joey Jumper!



With 20 years experience and over 2500 installations we are positioned to serve you well. We absolutely stand by our products here at PlaySafe Products Pty. Ltd. and we offer the very best prices, options, warranty and unsurpassed experience and knowledge of the business sectors we serve. Guaranteed!

Please use our Menu on the top of this page!

sales@kangaroojumper.com.au or Phone Gary Wakerley (+61) 07 3497 5024

Safety Announcement submit

FACT! The Kangaroo Jumper has 'Never Ever' been the subject of an Insurance Liability Claim! That's not only in Australia but Worldwide. 'WINNER' 2023 Australian Playground Safety Award!

Our clients are our 'SUPERSTARS' click on their logo to visit their site!

playground jumper

Call Ryan Sharvell now on 0482 696 754

Pillow Shaped Jumper